

Local Dog Trainer Klamath Falls, OR

My love of dogs started long before I was a dog trainer. I was literally raised with a litter of German Shepherds after my parents had a litter of puppies and I only weeks apart. We always had a German Shepherd or two as I grew up that guarded the family shop. It was before digital security systems were the norm. Naturally, I gravitated towards dogs in any scenario I found myself in.

I’ve had dogs my whole life. My first full time pay check out of college turned into my German Shepherd, Django, and that's where my dog training journey began. I was lucky enough to meet and learn from an amazing mentor who turned me into a National and World level competitor in IGP. In 2018 I took over as the trainer at Cape Cod Schutzhund Club and started working part time teaching private lessons and taking in dogs for board and trains. 

In 2021 I sold my house on Cape Cod and had to put the business on hold while I traveled and competed with my own dogs. In this time I met my wife, moved to Oregon, and represented the USA at both the FMBB (Belgian Shepherd World Championship) in Greece and the FCI (All Breed World Championship) in Czech Republic. The passion for dogs only continued to grow and in December 2023, Milazzo K9 became a full time job. Now, our family couldn't be more excited to share our love and knowledge of dogs with you and yours.

Schutzhund trainer cape cod
dog training near me Bourne

Dog Training Near Me

A main goal of Milazzo K9 is to create a better relationship and line of communication between every dog and handler team who contacts us. So many dog owners struggle to clearly convey their desires to their four legged friends and fail to see their dog as an individual. Each and every dog has it's own personality and genetics, much like humans. When you bring your dog to train with us, you'll learn how to work with your dog to bring out the best in them while teaching them what they need to know to live in harmony with you and your family.

Dog Obedience Training

best dog trainer near me

Would you believe it if I told you in order to achieve dog obedience, first we need to train the owner? You should! All dog training requires maintenance and in order for the owner to be able to maintain any training their dog has, they need to have a basic understanding of how the training works. Believe it or not, most lessons with your trainer will be more about training you than training your dog. The real training happens in the other 167+ hours in a week while you're living with your four-legged friend!

Finding a competent trainer is the first step to successfully training both you and your dog to be a great team. For some this means staying off the counters, learning sit, down, place, etcc... For others, this means competition ranging from local events to National and World levels! No matter what your goals are with your dog, Milazzo K9 is ready to help you take the first step towards achieving them.